
Welcome to A-TEAM canine solutions; we are a small family owned and operated canine solution facility. Our goal is to make sure that owners and canines are on the same page and have great communication lines. Here at A-TEAM we strive to make sure that the handlers and the canines have clear communication and have a better understanding for each other. We work to make sure that the Dogs that are known as problematic get a proper diagnosis and receive proper training to be able to live a full and happy life in their forever home.
Now that being said we also train green dogs to become narcotic detection and explosive detection K-9s. We also work with canines to become trailing dogs to help with S.A.R and also to help apprehend suspects that are involved in criminal activity. These canines are put through a selection process to make sure that the dog will strive in the aspects of training they will be partaking in. Keep in mind this is a process and it will take up to 6-8 weeks long. Within this time period the dogs will go through an intense program to make sure the canine is rock solid. Trailing will take longer due to making sure that it is run through as many conditions and surfaces. This type of training will make sure that each and every time your canine is deployed it is on target.
The owners who feel that they might be running into a small behavioral issue then let us know we will come over and give you a free diagnosis so that you can get your training back on the right foot and have the Canine of your dreams. I will say it again; we here at A-TEAM canine solutions will come and give you a FREE evaluation to see what the next step will be going forward in the best interest of the canine. More than likely we can step you up with a group class or get right after the problem and start private lessons.
Okay enough about what we can do for you and your canine, let’s get into who we are and what knowledge we have. This is a veteran owned and operated family business. The Owner is Christy Ann Six who has much experience with breeding Cane Corso. She also is very untimate with the inner workings of the canine and making them part of the family so that the canine can enjoy a happy and healthy forever home to live in. The Operations Manager is Adam Holcomb and he is a Veteran of the U.S Army. Once he got out of the military he found an organization that help veterans with PTSD and TBI, Wags4Worriors.org were he trained his own service dog with the guidance of trainers. Once he finished the program he was asked to stay on as a trainer to help other veterans within the program. He went on from that to head down to Highland Canine Training facility in North Carolina, where he learned how to catch dogs, imprint narcotics and explosive on canines, and then learned methods on how to work canines to become proficient on trailing human odor. The trainers are all three of the children; this is how A-Team got it birth. Austin is one of the lead behavioral trainers and helps with detection and trailing. Emma is head groomer and also helps out with trailing. Tyler is the Head dog walker and helps with trailing and also imprinting.